Star Wars Betting Odds

And Star Wars fans looking for some nostalgia upon the movie's December 18 release can wager on some classic quotes being uttered in The Force Awakens, including 'Never tell me the odds' at +1000, 'I am your father' at +1500, 'I got a bad feeling about this' at +500, and 'May the force be with you' at -150. All odds taken Nov. Since Disney acquired Lucasfilm and the beloved Star Wars universe, they’ve done quite a lot with this franchise. Most notably, the first film they produced did massively well at the box office. That film — 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens — ended up raking in $. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is set to bring a massive cultural boon for nerds (like me) and a massive amount of money for Disney. The Last Jedi offers longtime fans plenty of intrigue after the happenings of The Force Awakens and will determine if the newest trilogy will continue to mirror the originals. Read below for odds and predictions about the next Star Wars installments’ release dates, online approval ratings, and domestic gross Star Wars fans have a lot to look forward to. Ever since Disney’s $4.05 billion acquisition of LucasFilm in 2012, the volume of releases increased exponentially.

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With The Rise of Skywalker, also known as Star Wars IX, just a little more than a week away, entertainment betting sites have released another batch of exciting prop bets for the latest installment of the Star Wars franchise.

This batch of Star Wars prop bets focus on things that might happen in the movie like surprise appearances or a potential death of a main character. They’re more enjoyable to debate than the first batch of Star Wars wagers that we looked at two weeks ago.

Those Star Wars IX wagers were centered on how well the movie would do in the Box Office and if it would garner any Oscar nominations. Although just as profitable as this latest batch of Rise of Skywalker bets, they were more of an appetizer to the main course of Star Wars props we will explore below.

May the force be with you over the next couple of weeks and when placing money on any of the following Rise of Skywalker prop bets courtesy of BetOnline:

Will Rey Turn to the Dark Side?

Sports betting odds
  • Yes (+170)
  • No (-250)

Another Star Wars movie and another tease that a main character could turn to the Dark Side. In the first trilogy of Star Wars movies, episodes 4 through 6 in Star Wars cannon, Luke Skywalker was the main character who was being tempted by the Dark Side and its wielders of power The Emperor and Darth Vader.

Rey, played by Daisy Ridley, is the main character in the third and final trilogy of Star Wars movies. She debuted in The Force Awakens (2015) and ushered in a new generation of Star Wars fans. Rey even grew on old school Star War fans to become the best new character in the “Skywalker Saga.”

Like with Luke Skywalker, Rey discovers that she can connect to The Force and begins an epic journey to discover who she is, what The Force is, and if she has the chops to become a Jedi. All of these are similar to Luke’s journey in the first trilogy of Star Wars movies.

The reason why this prop bet even exists is because over the summer a clip of the film was released that portrayed what looked like an evil Rey. You can see it in the video below:

There Are a Few Theories as to What Might Be the Reason Behind an “Evil Rey”:

  • This could be just a dream.
  • Rey could’ve actually joined the Dark Side in the future.
  • It could be a vision provided by the Force.
  • It’s an evil clone of Rey.

A dream is too simple. It’s an easy and lazy way to get something controversial into the film without it actually taking place. I don’t see this being the reason for an evil, but cooler looking Rey.

Although we were introduced to clones in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and the very popular Boba Fett character was revealed to be a clone of Jango Fett, I doubt this is the case for Rey. Once again, it feels like lazy writing or very anticlimactic.

I find the concept of Rey turning to the Dark Side to be very compelling whether it’s in the present or a time jump into the future. It would go against popular opinion, but an “evil Rey” would take the franchise in a completely different direction.

Unfortunately, for us fans of the Dark Side, this won’t happen. Star Wars has always been about hope and having the final trilogy end with the main character turning evil just doesn’t jive with the four decades of Star Wars cultural infusion.

Ultimately, if we do see an “evil Rey” then I think it’s most likely due to a vision provided to her by the Force. If you recall, Luke Skywalker had a similar experience in the Cave of Evil on Dagobah. The young Luke had to enter the cave as a test by Master Yoda.

While in the cave, Luke had a vision that he struck down Darth Vader causing the Sith Lord’s helmet, with his head still in it, to roll on the floor. The shield was cracked and Luke could see his face inside the helmet.

For this prop bet, we might get a Force inspired vision or dream of an “evil Rey,” but she won’t actually turn to the Dark Side. Take the “no” option for this wager.

Adam Driver: Kylo Ren doesn't need redemption in The Rise of Skywalker

— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) December 5, 2019

Star Wars Bet: No, Rey Won’t Turn to the Dark Side (-250)

Kylo Ren Prop Bets

Like with Rey, Kylo Ren, played by Adam Driver, is one of the main characters in the final trilogy of Star Wars films. Real name Ben Solo, Kylo Ren is the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia, which also makes him the grandson of Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader. He’s actually become this generation’s Darth Vader.

With that said, we have a few Kylo Ren prop bets to explore:

Will Kylo Ren Die in Rise of Skywalker?

  • Yes (-250)
  • No (+170)

Adam Driver has been making the media rounds for not only his Netflix film Marriage Story, but to also promote the upcoming Star Wars film. During these interviews, Driver was asked about the possibility of Kylo Ren’s redemption in the upcoming film. Driver’s view of Ren needing redemption was very spot on:

“What does he have to be redeemed for? Kylo Ren has a different identity, a different definition of what redemption is. He’s already been redeemed in his story. I don’t think there is a thought of redemption. He doesn’t have an outside lens of the events, you know — you know what I mean? That’s more of an outsider’s view of his world.”

If there’s no redemption for Kylo Ren, like with Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader, and there’s no believed chance of Rey turning to the Dark Side, then the last major storyline option needed for this film to be a success is the death of Kylo Ren.

If you look back throughout the Star Wars canon, you will see numerous examples of major evil characters dying:

  • Dath Maul was killed in The Phantom Menace
  • Boba Fett and Jabba The Hutt were both killed in Return of The Jedi
  • Darth Vader died in Return of The Jedi
  • Emperor Palpatine allegedly died in Return of The Jedi
  • Supreme Leader Snoke dies in The Last Jedi

Kylo Ren might not need or get redemption in this final film, but he certainly deserves to die after killing Han Solo, hunting down and killing off the remaining Jedi, indirectly taking out Luke as the Jedi Master had to join the Force like Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Kylo Ren destroyed numerous planets.

That’s more than enough reasons for Kylo Ren to get the death penalty. Killing his father Han Solo is enough of a reason for me.

Online betting sites believe that Kylo Ren will die as well. The “yes” option for this prop bet is the favorite by a good amount.

Over/Under Kylo Ren Appears Shirtless:

  • Over one time (+150)
  • Under one time (-200)

I find this prop bet to be amusing. Kylo Ren was shirtless in The Last Jedi. However, the scene where Ren was without a shirt left fans scratching their heads as to why it was needed. Was Driver just trying to show off his bulked up physique or was there a storyline purpose to this?

It turns out the reason the director and writers did this was to physically show that Ren and Rey were connected by The Force. Rey could see his physical being. It was also a bit of attempted humor in the movie which seemed to fall flat for many fans.

For this prop bet, there’s no need to recreate their Force connection. Therefore, there’s no need to see Driver shirtless again. Take the Under option on this one.

Will C3PO Die?

How To Read Betting Odds

Star wars betting odds calculator
  • Yes (-120)
  • No (-120)

In the final trailer released for this film, we see C-3PO say goodbye to his friends. This little scene prompted a social media storm by fans who were outraged over the thought of the beloved character being killed off in The Rise of Skywalker.

Just like how the clip of an evil looking Rey sparked debate and fan theories, this C-3PO clip has done the same. The following are a few of the popular theories as to what might happen to our longtime friend and beloved droid:

  • His memory gets wiped, but his droid body doesn’t get destroyed.
  • His droid body gets destroyed, but his memory gets transferred to another droid or robot.
  • He really gets destroyed and his memory wiped.

In Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace, it was revealed that C-3PO was built by Anakin Skywalker out of spare parts. From that point on, he became an integral part in just about every film.

C-3PO witnessed the marriage of Anakin and Padme. He also witnessed the turn to the Dark Side by Anakin, which led to his efforts to save Padme who was pregnant with Luke and Leia at the time.

Bail Organa, who ended up adopting Leia after her mother died and was a founding member of the Rebel Alliance, ordered to have C-3PO’s memories wiped in Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith to protect Luke and Leia from Darth Vader finding out about them.

As you can see, C-3PO has already experienced a “death” by having his memory wiped. It’s entirely possible that his memory could be transferred to another droid and his body destroyed, which is another form of death.

If J.J. Abrams really wants to leave a lasting impression on Star Wars fans and the franchise then having C-3PO be destroyed completely would do the job.

If you really think about it, C-3PO is one of the last things that still represents the Skywalker name. He was created by Anakin, helped out Han Solo and Princess Leia, and was an integral part of Luke Skywalker’s early journey.

Since Kylo Ren is out to destroy all things Skywalker related then the death of C-3PO makes sense. I’m going to take a guess with this prop bet and say that C-3PO has his body destroyed, but his memory will be transferred.

We’ve already done the mind wiping and a complete destruction of C-3PO might be too radical for J.J. Abrams to go for despite the monumental impact it would have.

Will Baby Yoda Appear in Rise of Skywalker?

  • Yes (+1000)
  • No (-2500)

Baby Yoda has taken the world by storm after debuting in the hit Disney+ show The Mandalorian. It’s unclear as to the origin of baby Yoda or any other Yoda, but the show has made this character into one of the most beloved figures in the history of Star Wars.

In fact, there are numerous Mandalorian prop bets in regards to baby Yoda. So, it’s not surprising that we get one for Star Wars IX.

If baby Yoda were to appear in this film, he would be between 75-80 years old. Currently, he’s 50 years old in The Mandalorian which took place about five years after Return of the Jedi. This upcoming Star Wars film is at least 25 years later than the Disney+ show.

So, if he does appear then would baby Yoda even be a baby anymore? What purpose would it serve to have baby Yoda in this film? Would the Mandalorian appear as well?

The thought of having baby Yoda appear in this film sparks more questions than answers. In a perfect world, baby Yoda and the Mandalorian would appear in this film to connect the Star Wars entities.

Unfortunately, I just don’t see it happening. Unless we get an “Easter egg” of baby Yoda in the background of a crowded scene, it’s best to take the safe play and pick the “no” option.

Touch things I will. Baby I am.


— Baby Yoda (@BabyYodaBaby) November 29, 2019

Star Wars Bet: No, Baby Yoda Won’t Appear in Film (-2500)

How May Times Will We Hear: “May the Force Be With You”?

  • Over 2 times (+150)
  • Under 2 times (-200)

This is the most popular phrase in all of Star Wars canon. It first started in Star Wars IV: A New Hope when General Dodonna said it to his Rebel troops before they participated in the Battle of Yavin. Shortly after, Han Solo said it to Luke Skywalker and the phrase became a significant part of America’s pop culture.

An example of this popularity is how May 4th has unofficially become Star Wars Day. Fans of the film franchise call this date “May the 4th” in reference to “may the force.”

Celebrations for Star Wars Day can be seen across the nation. Perhaps, the most sincere of celebrations can be found at the birth place of Star Wars – Imagination Park in San Anselmo, California. There are tributes, statues, parties and plaques all in honor of where George Lucas lived and first created Star Wars.

Vegas Betting Odds

Another example of this phrase’s popularity can be seen in how it compares to other popular movie quotes. The American Film Institute voted “may the force be with you” as the 8th most popular movie quote of all-time.

This prop bet has been the most challenging of them all largely because it has to be said exactly as follows “may the force be with you” and not in any other variation like “the force be with you.” Which, is what Obi-Wan Kenobi said to Luke Skywalker.

In total, this phrase has been said between 15-20 times in all of the Star Wars movies. It was said the most times (4) in Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace.

In the last two films, The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, it was only said one noticeable time. With that in mind, the safe play for this wager is Under two times.

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Star Wars may be the single most successful film franchise of all-time, but that doesn’t mean it’s had a whole lot of success come awards season. Fan reception of the series seems to be far more favorable than critical reception.

Despite 2015’s revival of the franchise, The Force Awakens, smashing several box office records, it was essentially nowhere to be seen at the subsequent Academy Awards. The film was nominated for five awards that night, the most noteworthy of which was probably Best Original Music Score. Star Wars went home with five nominations and zero wins.

2017 will mark the third straight year with a new Star Wars film. Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, is set to hit theaters on December 15. Most expect the movie to dominate the box office once again and give Awakens a serious run for its money as far as overall earnings go.

Will awards follow? It’s tough to say. Jedi will undoubtedly get some nominations at the upcoming Oscars, but does it actually have a chance in the Best Picture field?

The film obviously hasn’t even been released yet, but oddsmakers aren’t particularly optimistic about its chances of winning Best Picture. SkyBet has The Last Jedi at 50/1 to win Best Picture, while BetVictor is more bearish at 100/1.


Episode IV (the first film) opened to massive critical praise when it was released in 1977. Nobody had ever seen anything like it. The special effects were far ahead of their time, and the film effectively put stars like Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford on the map.

A New Hope was handsomely rewarded at the Oscars. The film was nominated for 10 Academy Awards in all, and it wound up winning six. Unfortunately, it didn’t win some of the more noteworthy awards like Best Picture. Despite Star Wars’ nomination, Annie Hall won best picture in 1978. Alec Guinness was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but the award wound up going to Jason Robards for his role in Julia.

The awards A New Hope won at the Oscars that year were as follows:

  • Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
  • Best Sound
  • Best Costume Design
  • Best Effects, Visual Effects
  • Best Music, Original Score
  • Best Film Editing

Star Wars Betting Odds Calculator

A real murderer’s row there, huh?

Unfortunately, none of the subsequent films in the franchise have been able to match the awards success of the first one. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back is considered by many to be the best Star Wars of them all, but its nominations paled in comparison to its predecessor. The Academy rewarded Empire with a single award in sound that year.

The first three Star Wars movies combined to win nine Oscars, which isn’t bad at all.

None of those wins came in the major categories, but wins are wins, nevertheless. However, compare that with The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which won 17 Oscars in all.

The three prequels didn’t achieve anything close to that level of success. Those three were nominated for a total of five Oscars, winning none. Awakens came up short in its aforementioned five categories, while 2016’s Rogue One whiffed on both of its nominations, as well.

Star Wars is in the midst of a 33-year Oscar dry spell entering the 2018 awards.

Star Wars Betting Odds

Will Jedi Beat the Field?

A New Hope remains the only Star Wars movie to have been nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars, yet most fans would not deem it to be the franchise’s best effort. It’s a classic, of course, but Empire is better. Fight me if you want.

By most accounts, The Force Awakens was the best Star Wars movie since the first trilogy. Despite all the hype leading up to the prequels in the late-90s and early aughts, those films were never able to capture the same magic that the first three did. They were derailed by Jar-Jar Binks in The Phantom Menace and were never able to recover.

Despite Awakens’ greatness, it didn’t really sniff the Best Picture category in 2016. Do you remember which films were nominated that year? Here they are:

  • The Big Short
  • Bridge of Spies
  • The Martian
  • The Revenant
  • Room
  • Spotlight
  • Brooklyn
  • Mad Max: Fury Road

Yes, Mad Max got nominated for Best Picture, yet Star Wars was left out in the cold. Spotlight actually won that year, which was a pleasant surprise. Most had The Revenant tabbed as a heavy favorite, yet it came up short in Best Picture.

Let’s talk about Jedi’s potential competition in 2018.

As of now, Dunkirk seems to be a pretty heavy favorite among bookmakers to take home Best Picture. Most oddsmakers list Christopher Nolan’s latest effort at 4/1 to take home the biggest prize on Oscar night.

Dunkirk essentially checks all the Oscar boxes. First and foremost, it’s a war movie, and those tend to fare well come awards season. It’s also got Nolan attached, who is obviously quite the decorated name. Tom Hardy is cast in yet another leading role, and one would imagine he’ll get some Oscar love, too.

College Football Betting Odds

Ever heard of The Post? If not, you probably will on Oscar night. It’s yet another historical drama directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep. I mean, come on. Can you even imagine a more Oscar-friendly set of circumstances? If it lives up to its potential, The Post is going to be swimming in awards. Some bookmakers give it 5/1 odds of winning Best Picture, while others are as favorable as 3/1.

The Shape of Water (7/1), Call Me By Your Name (8/1) and Detroit (10/1) are a few others generating some early Oscar buzz. More recognizable titles like Get Out (25/1), Mother! (33/1), Beauty and the Beast (50/1) and Baby Driver (50/1) also make sense as potential contenders.

There have been a few other box office smashes (The Fate of the Furious, War for the Planet of the Apes, Spider-Man: Homecoming), but none of those is regarded as a realistic challenger for Best Picture. Unfortunately, it seems likely that The Last Jedi is going to be grouped in with those films rather than ones like Dunkirk and The Post.

Could Star Wars Shock the World?

Considering The Last Jedi still isn’t out for another few months, it’s tough to realistically gauge its chances once awards season rolls around. Most are expecting another standard Star Wars episode, which means it’ll be a huge success with fans and it’ll be largely ignored on Oscar night.

Could it surpass critical expectations? Absolutely.

But we aren’t counting on it. The Last Jedi will, in all likelihood, be amazing, but Star Wars movies just don’t move the needle for the Academy anymore. Disney will just have to settle for making another movie that generates $1 billion worldwide. Ho hum. We’re going to have to pass on betting on Jedi to win Best Picture, even with favorable profit potential at 100/1.

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