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By Alan Yusko

In the coming days there is a planet with a large orbit and it is coming toward the sun and past the earth on its way out again in its large orbital path. As a result many bad and destructive things will happen on earth as it passes by. In this article, I will try to make clear some of the things that will happen and relate it to Bible prophecy. I have heard the research of men on utube like Gill Broussard and Bob Fletcher. These men give excellent scientific information on this incoming planet. Gill also uses the Bible for historical evidence of things that happened on earth in relation to the effects of this planet 7X in previous passes. I plan to go further in relation to Bible prophecy and attempt to see how all this fits in to the revealed prophetic events that are coming in the days ahead. So, lets start:


It is called Nibru or planet x and much has been written about this subject. Gill Broussard has changed the name from planet x to planet 7x. The reason is the world of the occult has embraced planet x and they have written all kinds of foolish and weird things. For example many present information on planet x and they get it from the zetas. Who are the zetas, you may ask? They are demons who claim to be aliens and their information is 'channelled' to certain people. This is pure occultism which is part of the demonic realm. Nothing these deceived individuals say can be trusted. These are the deceivers talking about the Anunnaki who supposedly live on planet x. Stay far away from all that garbage.

There is good, non occult, information on planet 7x by people who know science and astronomy. Planet 7x is a planet about 5-7 times the size of earth. It is composed of heavier material than earth is composed of. Because of its size and added weight, planet 7x has a gravitational and magnetic pull that is affecting the planets (including earth) in our solar system. It is on an orbital path which causes a 'fly by' around the sun and by the earth about every 350-360 years. Gill Broussard has documented several events in the Bible that occurred at the passing of planet 7x in the past. We will cover a few of them later.

Matt 24
33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

As planet 7x in its orbital path gets closer and closer to earth things are affected. For example, all the planets including the earth are heating up. There is a massive increase in earthquakes. Volcanoes are wakening up and going active. In the pacific ocean, the gulf stream has slowed down and is no longer flowing normally. As a result the jet stream is warped and we are getting all kinds of strange weather in every season. In winter new terms have been created like 'polar vortex' or 'ice quakes'. A few years ago these terms were never known or used. Also happening is massive animal die offs. Birds are falling out of the sky and there are massive fish deaths around the globe. All these are considered effects the earth is experiencing in relation to the arrival of planet 7x.


Behind this coming planet is a huge amount of space junk following in its trail. This trail is millions of miles long. I have heard some suggest it could be as long as 24 million miles of debris following planet 7x. It is interesting that planet 7x will pass earth's orbital path two times. The first pass will be distant from the earth and should happen sometime late August 2015. It continues toward the sun and goes around the sun and then back toward earth. It is suggested that planet 7x will be visible for us on earth to see in late December 2015. From then it will continue to get bigger as it passes the earth late March 2016. Let me say it will not collide with planet earth but will pass by in front of planet earth in its orbital path. It will fly by between the earth and the sun on its way past earth. This is suggested to happen sometime late March 2016. Shortly after the earth will reach its path and have to go through the debris tail of planet 7x. This could happen in April 2016. Space debris will literally pummel planet earth as it passes through its debris tail. It will take about 1 hour to go through this tail of planet 7x. Scientists will think this debris will hit the other side of the world than the USA. However, they do not take in account that the rotation of planet earth will come to a stop due to the effects of planet 7x. This means the debris in the tail will pummel North America. This event will be just like the long day of Joshua in the Bible. The day stayed an extra 12 hours for Joshua as the spin of the earth temporarily stopped.

The USA/North America is not in Bible prophecy. When the beast or antichrist comes to power after the harpazo (rapture), the USA is not even mentioned. Horrendous things will happen to North America because of the gross sin they accept, practice, and legalize. Good is treated as evil and evil is treated as good in this generation. It is all done 'in your face' against the Lord as they are literally daring Him to judge. They just do not care. It is interesting that lost people are afraid to offend anyone. This is true except for God. They do not care what God thinks as they totally reject Him and His Word. God says 'woe' to such a people:

Isa 5
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Many judgments are coming to North America. There will be the St. Andres earthquake, the Yellowstone super volcano, and the New Madrid massive earthquake. On top of all that the pummeling of space debris from planet 7x will remove North America from being any influence in the coming days of Bible prophecy. Also, their could be war with nuclear bombs being used. North America will be reduced to a non-essential and an insignificant country. I don't think it will be 100 percent destroyed. But it will not be a world leader like it is today. All this because the people have embraced sin via murder, sexual immorality, and a growing hatred of Christians, the Bible, and Israel. Yes, judgment is coming and it cannot be stopped.

After this the earth will continue on its orbital path. It will take about 150 days to reach the point where planet 7x first entered earth's orbital path on its way toward the sun. Again the earth will pass through the debris trail of planet 7x which will take about 1 hour. When the earth goes through the remnants of the tail of planet 7x the second time, the asteroids hitting earth will probably do less damage as there will be fewer of them.

This incoming planet 7x has a gravital and magnetic field that will effect earth. The effects will be seen as strange weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, and animal die offs. We are experiencing all these things now. Things will just get worse as we get closer to the event of the fly by of planet 7x.


The date of 2015 and 2016 are just suggested as a strong possibility. It may or may not happen then. What if these dates are 'off' and the scientists are wrong? Well planet 7x could make its pass a year or two later. It will definitely pass by sometime soon. The scientists I have heard are thinking that it will happen this year. The 2015-2016 time frame is a very strong possibility. However, it could also be one or two years later if they are wrong. The key test will be if we can see planet 7x by late December 2015. If planet 7x becomes visible then the world needs to 'hold on to their hats' as things are going to happen. The godless rich will be diving into their holes to attempt to be safe. Believe me I say that mockingly. It is just stupid to reject the Lord Jesus and follow the devil.

Keep in mind that Planet 7x will happen at the 6th seal judgment. Chances are very strong that it will be from 2017 or later. For the 6th seal to be opened by March 2016 things must happen very fast... The rapture must occur the antichrist can then sign that 7 year covenant with Israel. This starts up the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy. The seals are not opened until the 70th week of Daniel. March 2016 is very near so I would expect 2017 or later for this to happen.


I have heard that in preparation for this incoming planet 7x that martial law will be declared. Those in leadership or government in North America will never be making a formal announcement of this incoming planet 7x. The fear is that society could completely break down with riots, looting etc. Martial law will be put in place to control the masses until planet 7x comes in. At that time it is assumed that most will die who are not able to dive into the holes/cities underground. It is not only the USA getting ready for martial law through Jade Helm 15. Other countries around the world are doing military exercises and preparing for the massive effects of planet 7x. When planet 7x passes by, sometimes it does so that the effects are minimal. Other times, like at the flood of Noah's day, the effects are major. This fly by is going to have major effects that are deadly just like the flood in the days of Noah. This is a known thing and many in power and government are in great fear. You see the lost people who call themselves 'elite' fear death. However they will die and forever perish in the lake of fire.

How will the powers that be achieve success in establishing martial law? Here are some possibilities to consider.

1) There could be multiple massive terror attacks on the scale of 911 or greater.
2) There could be war declared (Russia, China etc).
3) There could be a massive outbreak of some kind of disease that is dangerous and deadly. Today we have seen minor breakouts. But a major breakout where millions die would change things.
4) We know at some point an economic collapse will come. At that point martial law would be setup.

Here is another thought. Martial law will be setup and the people will be happy to receive it. Af any of the 4 above possibilities occur, then martial law well be a needed and welcome thing. When martial law comes it will not be forced upon the people. In fear, the people will receive it gladly. Of course all this has definite ties in with the coming new world order where the beast or antichrist will rule on earth for a short while. The problem with giving up personal freedom is that they tend not to comb back and be restored.


Rev 6
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

The godless rich and the leaders of earth already know this planet 7x is coming and it will bring devastation on the earth. They are afraid as they fear death. Perhaps it is the knowledge they will perish in hell. For years now, many countries around the world have been digging tunnels and building underground cities. When they see the devastations upon earth, they will run into these 'holes' in the ground and mountains for safety. Apparently, in the USA, trillions of dollars have been secretly stolen to finance the building of these underground cities and tunnels. Little do they realize, when God sends judgment, being in a hole in the ground is not a safe place to be. When the crust of the earth is shaken and there are mighty earthquake, being in a hole in the ground is not very safe. At least they will not have to be buried as the collapsing rocks will easily do the job. These rich men reject and want nothing to do with the Lord Jesus. As a result they will run off and try to hide in holes built underground. Lets face it, rejecting the Lord Jesus is just dumb.

Here is a list of some of the bigger countries in the world that have dug holes and built underground cities: Russia, China, Europe, Australia, Sweden, and of course the USA. Do they really think they will be safe from the coming judgment of God? Yes they do and no they are not. But what do you expect from someone who rejects salvation through the Lord Jesus and accepts Satan.


So far we have covered the physical aspects of this coming planet 7x. Now lets look at how it may fit in with Bible Prophecy. If you do not understand basic 101 Bible prophecy then you will not be able to follow further in this article. What I mean is if you do not understand the simple fact of the pre-tribulation rapture, then I'll lose you about now. Also, many today believe the false teaching of amillenialism or preterism. This also is a perversion of Bible prophecy. This means you are confused and really do not understand Bible prophecy. You may agree that the Lord Jesus is coming back but that is about all you know.

Now we will move forward. The word, rapture, is not found in the Bible and some get confused over this. However, the word harpazo is in the Bible. The harpazo is an imminent event which must first happen before the beast or antichrist, can rise to power and sign that 7 year covenant with the nation of Israel. The first day of this 7 year covenant is the first day of the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy. The harpazo removes the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit working in and through the Church. This event has not happened yet and will happen very soon. It is an imminent event so no one knows the exact day, but we can see the day coming.

1 Thess 5
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

This verse describes that although we do not know the date, we would be able to see the day coming. We do not and cannot know the date of the harpazo because of the doctrine of His imminent coming. Right now Christians are loudly proclaiming that the Lord Jesus is coming back very soon and we are now in the last of the last days. Soon the harpazo will happen and the final sequence of Biblical prophecies will occur. I do not think the wicked will continue tormenting those on earth too much longer. In fact the wicked will perish and will never again see the sun.

Next, lets look at the flow of the book of Revelation. It is a historical book that shows the present and future events which will soon happen. In Chapter 1 the Apostle John is in the presence of the Lord Jesus. Chapter 2 and 3 is a description of the 7 churches during the Church age. Right now we are living in the days of Revelation 2 and 3. Then we come to Revelation Chapter 4. At this point there is a command given:

Rev 4
1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

The 'come up hither' is the command the Lord gives at the harpazo. At that point the rapture occurs. How can I make this statement? Notice the 24 elders in the next verse below:

Rev 4
4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

Around the throne of God are 24 elders. This is representative of the Church, the redeemed. It describes a coming one time event which is called the Beama judgment seat of rewards. Notice these 24 elders have crowns on their heads. Only redeemed Christians (the Church) get crowns as reward at the Beama judgment. The fact that the 24 elders have crowns is excellent proof that the Bema judgment has happened. The Bema judgment happens after the harpazo. The Bema judgment is a one time event for the Church and it has already happened in Rev 4:4.

Next, there is the scene around the throne of God. In Rev chapter 5 a book is present and the only one who can open it is the Lord Jesus. In Revelation chapter 6 the Lord Jesus begins to open the 7 seals of this book. These seals are all the wrath judgment of God upon the wicked in the world.

Let me also say these events on earth will occur after the harpazo. At that point the beast or antichrist is revealed and rises to world power. He signs a 7 year covenant with the nation of Israel which starts the 70th week prophecy of Daniel. This is a 7 year period that many refer to as the tribulation period. However since the word 'tribulation period' is not in the Bible, many get confused and can't understand what is going on. However, the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy is in the Bible. The antichrist beast signs a 7 year covenant with Israel. And this also is in the Bible. This 7 year period is also referred to the time of Jacob's trouble. During the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy, all the 7 seal wrath judgments in Revelation 6 will be opened. The 7th seal is interesting as it is composed of 7 trumpet judgments and 7 vial judgments.

The events described are part of Bible prophecy and they will happen as I have described. Now here is a theory which may or may not be correct. Messianic Rabbi Johnathan Cahn has revealed to the Church the 7 year cycle with the last year being a Shemita year which is followed by Israel. We are now in 2015 and we are in a Shemita year which ends on Sept 13, 2015. The new 7 year Shemita cycle starts up on Sept 14, 2015 and ends in Sept 2022. The first year of the next 7 year cycle will also be a Jubilee year which happens every 49 years. Now here is the theory which may or may not be true. What if the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy starts at the beginning of the next 7 year cycle which is Sept 14, 2015? I'm not saying that it will but it is a point to consider and right now, just a theory.

All this means that after Sept 14, 2015 the events of Rev chapter 6, the wrath judgments of God could begin. Now Planet 7x might be seen late December 2015. By March 2016 there will be the fly by. Horrendous devastation will occur at this passing of Planet 7x. Now if the planet 7x is not visible late December then it could pass by a year or two later. The devastations that will occur still fits into Bible prophecy. I suggest the devastation of the 6th seal being opened will be caused by the fly by of planet 7x. Remember, all the seal judgments occur after the harpazo during Daniel's 70th week.

Lets continue under the assumption that the scientists are correct and the earth is about to experience the fly by of planet 7x. In Revelation chapter 6 the Lord Jesus is opening the 7 seals of the wrath of God. Each seal is a wrath judgment of God upon the earth. The 7th seal has 7 trumpets and 7 seal judgments of the wrath of God. All the 7 seals are opened during the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy after the harpazo (rapture). Based on the theory that the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy could start in the next 7 year cycle period that starts Sept 14, 2015, then the seal judgments will begin to happen upon earth just after that time. These seal judgments can't happen now as the world is not yet in the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy. Also, the harpazo (rapture) has not happened yet. People who are confused about the fact of the pre-tribulation rapture, do not understand what is being said here and do not know what is going on in relation to Bible prophecy. The rapture could be called the pre-harpazo before the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy. It is simpler to say pre-tribulation rapture but that causes many to be confused.

Once in the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy the seal judgments will begin. Here are the seal judgments from 1 to 6 which will occur:

1) Rider on the white horse. This is the beast or antichrist who will go forth and deceive and conquer the earth. This is not the Lord Jesus as He is in heaven opening the book with the seals. The first horse is the antichrist beast and he will conquer the world through peace and deception.

Rev 6
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

2) Rider on the red horse who takes away peace from the earth. This could be the Psalm 83 war which is the next major war coming. Sometime after this war, the Maygog war happens. Finally just after the physical return of the Lord Jesus will be a war called the battle of Armageddon. One point is the Psalm 83 war could happen before the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy. Or it could happen at the beginning of the 70th week when the second seal is opened. The passing of time well tell which it is.

Rev 6
3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

3) Rider on the black horse. There will be major failures of economies and massive inflation on the earth. This will be a worldwide economic crash. Right now we are hearing from many sources of warnings of this coming crash. People do not know when a worldwide economic collapse will happen. They know it is coming and it will come soon. Other than in the Lord Jesus, there is no really safe place to put your money (savings, investments, gold etc). The day the worldwide economic crash occurs, the third seal is opened.

Rev 6
5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

4) Rider of the forth horse is pale. He brings disease and death upon the planet. Animals from normal size to microscopic will go forth and kill off 1/4 of the world's population. That is approximately 2 billion people who will die from this wrath judgment. Obviously medicine will be powerless to stop these plagues which will come.

Rev 6
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

5) The 5th seal marks the major persecution and death of followers of the Lord Jesus. They are not part of the Church and are called the tribulation saints. A massive number of them will be killed by the antichrist and his servants. The genocide and persecution we see today against Christians is just a foreshadow of the days of the 5th seal judgment. Satan and his followers hate God, they hate God`s people, and they hate the Bible.

Rev 6
9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

Next is the opening of the 6th seal which could relate to the incoming planet 7x. If the 6th seal is opened by March/April 2016 at the planet 7x fly by, then the first 6 seals are opened quickly. If planet 7x flys by 1 year later in 2017 then that too is a possibility for the timing of the 6th seal. Here is the description which could be the effects related to planet 7x.

Rev 6
12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

As planet 7x passes by, the magnetic and gravitational effects could cause much destruction upon the earth. As the earth goes through the trail of planet 7x and the debris following behind it, the above would be a good description of what will happen. If planet 7x passes by late March 2016, then the 6th seal could be opened at that time and the above devastations could hit the earth. Of course there are many more judgments coming after this time as the 7 trumpets are blown and the 7 bowls of judgment are poured out. Also if the scientists are 1 year early in their estimates, then the 6th seal could be opened in March 2017, a year later. What we have covered is going to happen to planet earth. The timing is in God's hands and thats why I call the timing issue a theory.

The timing of planet 7x is also related to the coming of martial law. Look for some false flag disaster where the people will gladly go into martial law. This will be an indication that planet 7x is near. The next few months must be closely watched. However, the harpazo or rapture could happen any day now. If planet 7x is seen late December and martial law is established, know that planet 7x is near and it is coming. If these things do not happen, then look for a later date time frame for the fly by of planet 7x.

Finally, I have to say the passing by of planet 7x will be an event that will cause great fear upon the earth. Look at the following:

Luk 21
26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

As planet 7x approaches and everyone can see it coming, there will be great fear upon the earth. It will be so great fear that men's hearts will fail them. Right now we are not yet in those days. People have heart attacks but not ones caused by exceeding fear. Today its more like they eat too much trans fats and and don't exercise and the arties clog up leading to heart failure. The days of the judgment of God will be very fearful. This is why the rich leaders are going to crawl into the holes in the ground and try to escape the judgment of God. I have heard that these rich 'elite' idiots are really afraid of death. So into the holes they will crawl under the false assumption that they will be safe.


Now we will look at just a few of the previous encounters of planet 7x. Its orbit is approximately 350 or 360 years to fly past planet earth. So it has flown by earth several times now. I have already mentioned that the coming encounter with planet 7x will be a bad one. But saying that, not all the fly by's with planet 7x were devastating to the earth. There have been fly bys of planet 7x where the effects where somewhat minimal. Perhaps the earth was in a different place in its orbital path than it is in this coming fly by in March 2016 or later.

We will go through a few of them as they are recorded in Scripture. Here is an encounter with planet 7x where the fly by of planet 7x was devastating to planet earth. I'm talking about the worldwide flood in the days of Noah.

Gen 6
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Below is a description of those days.

Gen 7
10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

The fountains of the great deep were broken and the heavens were opened. This could have been caused by the passing by of planet 7x and going through the trail of debris following. The ground was broken up and the massive meteor shower could be responsible for opening the windows of heaven and the earth causing water to come forth. There were great earthquakes. The gravitational and magnetic influences of planet 7x had an effect on earth during the fly by.

Gen 7
23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.
24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days.

During this destructive event the world was destroyed. This time the passing of planet 7x will also cause massive destruction but in a different way. This is why the rich have dug holes in the ground for their underground cities. In their deceived little minds they see diving into a hole for safety as the only way to survive the coming destruction and judgment of God.


During the battle Joshua fought, he prayed for extra time to finish the battle. The Lord heard and gave answer to his prayer. The sun stood still for about 12 hours. This was a long day. In China they have records of an extra long night at the same time. This can be explained scientifically. As planet 7x flew by the earth, the spinning of the earth was affected on this pass. The earth literally stopped spinning and did not resume again for 12 hours as planet 7x flew outbound. This is not the miracle. The miracle can be found in the timing. At the exact time Joshua prayed the sun stayed up for an additional 12 hours. It is not the extra 12 hours which is the miracle of God. The miracle is in the timing. Here is a description of this battle:

Joshua 10
11 And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that the LORD cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.
12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

Notice that many died by stones and hailstones. This is another result of planet 7x and its fly by.


When the Lord Jesus died on the cross in payment for our sins, planet 7x again passed by the earth. At the very time the Lord Jesus was suffering and paying the penalty for our sins, the sun went dark from 3 to 6 o'clock. See below:

Mat 27
45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.
46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

As planet 7x passed between earth and the sun, the earth was darkened by the eclipse. It was a 3 hour eclipse. Again the miracle is not in the fact of the eclipse. The miracle was that the eclipse occurred at the exact time that God willed it to be. At the exact moment the Lord Jesus was paying for our sins on the cross, the sun went dark for 3 hours. That is the miracle. The miracle is not in the event, the miracle is in the timing of the darkness. Another point to consider that the longest eclipse the moon makes is about 7 1/2 minutes. The 3 hour eclipse gives an idea as to the size of this planet 7x. It is approximately 5-7 times bigger than the earth. Its passing between the sun and the earth gives a 3 hour eclipse due to its size.

Mat 27
51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

After the Lord Jesus paid for our sins things happened. The earth shook and broke up in places. Again this is possible results from the passing of planet 7x.

Like I mentioned this planet 7x passes by the earth every 350 or 360 years. There are many events in the Bible that show the passing of planet 7x which we have not covered in this article. Sodom and Gomorrah for example, was another planet 7x fly by event. It makes sense that God will use this fly by as part of the 70th week of Daniel`s prophecy. This time is also known as the day of the Lord and horrendous judgments will hit the earth.


In the coming year or maybe two/three, planet 7x will again pass by and very great destruction will occur. The scientists I have heard think the fly by will be in the 2015/2016 time frame. I have mentioned this and given room in case their calculations are off by 1 to 2 years. Also, this destruction upon the earth could be related to the opening of the 6th seal of wrath judgment.

In this article we have covered the coming fly by of planet 7x. It will cause massive destruction upon the earth. Its fly by could be associated with the destruction of the 6th seal of judgment from God. It is time to take this warning and apply it to your heart. Today, not tomorrow is the day of salvation. One does not know if they will even be alive tomorrow. However, today a choice to accept or reject the Lord Jesus must be made.

The day of judgment is coming and all the wicked Christ rejecting lost people will be destroyed out of the earth.

Isa 13
9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

This is very serious statement and not something to view lightly or mockingly. The wicked lost people will literally be destroyed from off the earth. They may mock now but later they will scream.

When will planet 7x fly by the earth? The timing is not set. It could be seen in December or even January of 2016. If so then it will fly by in the March/April time frame. If the planet cannot be seen then, maybe the next couple of years around the same time it will fly by. We have also suggested that the 6th seal shows destruction hitting the earth that could be caused by the fly by of planet 7x. At this point in time we must simply wait and see. However, Divine judgment is coming and soon. It seems with each passing blood moon the world is getting more and more wicked and God rejecting. Yes judgment will come and the signs indicate that it will be very soon.

The rapture is a totally imminent event. Nothing has to happen before the harpazo occurs. The important thing is to be ready to meet the Lord Jesus today. Time is running out and the Lord could very well come quickly and before most expect. It is time to accept the Lord Jesus right now! Here is a suggested prayer:

Lord Jesus,
I admit that I am a sinner. I realize that sin has a penalty of separation from God and an eternity in the lake of fire. Right now I turn from my sins and receive the Lord Jesus as my only Saviour. Lord Jesus come into my heart and life and save me. I trust in you alone for salvation and to be my Lord and my Saviour. Amen

John 1
12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

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Online casino gamblers at Planet 7 will be pleased to learn that tournament play is a great way to game without spending as much as they would if they wagered per spin. Tournaments allow players to enter the competition for little or no money; for the entry fee or ticket, gamers receive a set number of credits with which to wager in the tournament, and wins in the game then establish gambler’s final spot on the winner’s list. Payouts are typically determined by rank at the end of the competition, and most tournaments offer prizes to every player in a predetermined number of places. Some competitions will provide gamblers with the re-buy option, which simply allows the player to reenter the game for another fee, should he or she go out of the tournament sooner than desired. While tournaments at Planet 7 Casino aren’t presented in the same way that they are at other online gaming establishments, depositing, real-money players will enjoy invitations to such events as promotional opportunities. Take advantage of these amazing offers for your chance to cash in and win.

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Planet 7’s Support Team

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Did you know the Planet 7 Casino is powered by software provided by Real Time Gaming (RTG)? If not, you may not be aware the casino can offer a great mix of games and entertainment if you are in the mood to play some slots. RTG has an incredible back catalog of games to play, and if you join Planet 7 you can be sure you’ll get access to their top titles. No doubt you have heard of Cash Bandits 2, where the Vault Bonus is ready and waiting to be unlocked. If you can get that far in this colorful game, you stand a chance of winning dozens of free spins plus one of the biggest multipliers you’ve ever seen. Another popular title released not too long ago is Secret Symbol. This one takes you into the world of the ancient Aztecs. A popular theme, yes, and here you get a chance to go into the forgotten city in search of huge prize-winning multipliers. Elsewhere at Planet 7 you can try your luck with the Dragon Orb slot, another winner from RTG. This one features a progressive prize too, so if those are the games you like to play, Dragon Orb fits the bill, complete with respins on offer too. Finally, Gemtopia is still doing big business at this casino. You can enjoy looking for gems, triggering some free games, and searching for bonus gems once you get there. It’s all happening at Planet 7 Casino – the casino where you’re guaranteed access to the finest RTG games available right now.