How To Win Video Blackjack

Some of the most important things that you can do to win at video blackjack has little to do with the game itself. Remind yourself that once a hand ends, it will have no impact on the next one. In other words, there is no such thing as momentum, especially true in this form of the game as the electronic deck is essentially reshuffled after every hand. Pick the Right Casino. Players often ignore this all-important step, so I decided to start precisely with.

Blackjack is one of the most played online casino games in the world, and you may already know that the winners of these games are not only lucky, but they also have some tricks and strategies that help to be the winners. Blackjack Cheat Sheet is something that helps you to play with strategies that allow you to have a greater probability of winning than others. You can be a proof this game with Blackjack Cheat Sheet.

How to always win at blackjack

Survey the Players and Tables

  • Never split 5’s, 10’s or cards J, Q, K. Definitely split ‘Aces’ as you can improve your chances of winning and getting 21 by 50%. Some video blackjack games allows the player to surrender half the bet after the first two cards instead of playing the hand if the dealer does not have blackjack.
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Video Blackjack Odds

Before looking for a seat, the first thing you need to do is to find a table where you can enjoy, relax and do your thing with fewer interruptions and distractions and you can do comfortably. Avoid sitting with players who are drunk or slow in their games. They will distract you, make you lose your focus on the game and limit your wins per hour. Observe dealers too.

Do Not Ever Take Insurances Unless Card Counting

Beware of the policy of insurances. Almost always, it turns out to be a worthless bet. It is not insurance. It’s just a side bet which mentions that the card dealer has a blackjack. There’s an exemption though. If you are already an experienced expert card counter, insurance might make sense in some certain situations while you are playing a game. But sometimes, it’s a bad choice to take on insurances.


Bet and Deal Wisely

Strictly managing your money would be the key to a greater profit in the long run. In a single session, do not go for a table where the bet size is greater than 1/20 of your money. Another simple tip is that “Do not play more than your bankroll” and it is a core strategy of Blackjack Cheat Sheet.

Tip the Dealer

Some people may raise a brow about this topic. But it’s not just merely being a nice guy for a game of gambling. Tipping the dealer may get him to shuffle up a little bit later in a game than he might do other times. It would be an advantage to any card counter in a live game. A generously tipped dealer may bring out to be a friendly person. Besides this, a friendly dealer will make a game more enjoyable and exciting.

Use Basic Strategy

It is important to learn the basic strategies of Blackjack Cheat Sheet by heart to create a win streak. There is no place for guesses and instincts in Blackjack games. It is all a game of calculation. Be skilled in basic strategy and stop guessing the math. The best thing for a player to do before he enters the casino door is to leave his superstitions behind. Also, he should employ the best mathematical strategy for the best play.

These tips can help you to be a hero of a Blackjack game. With Blackjack Cheat Sheet and a little bit of intelligence, anyone can win a poker game related to Blackjack. There are various online casino gaming websites which offer free blackjack gaming services. Go there today and test your skills related to blackjack and be the blackjack king in your group.

While we have discussed these tips in the context of blackjack, many of the ideas can be translated in how to win at the casino in other games.

Understanding Blackjack

How to win video blackjack

Blackjack is the most widely played casino game in the world. It’s the game that has inspired countless books, movies, and television shows, both fictional and true. The initial appeal in blackjack comes from the relative ease of gameplay and the fact that players compete with only the dealer, but the biggest draw to this casino game lies in the fact that through the power of mathematics, blackjack has been proven to be beatable. Perfect execution of basic strategy makes blackjack a profitable game, and that’s something that players all over the world have become enamored with. It might even be the reason why you’re here.


If you’d like to start winning real money playing blackjack, read on, my friend. We’re here to tell you what you need to know to make this game work for you.

The History of Blackjack

Blackjack is a card game beloved by millions all around the world and a game that’s been around for more than a few years. In fact, the ancestor of blackjack was known simply as “twenty-one,” and the exact origins remain unknown.

However, the first written reference can be found in Novelas Ejemplares, a book written by Miguel de Cervantes, the Spanish author who penned Don Quixote. In the story titled “Rinconete y Cortadillo”, the main characters are a pair of cheats living and working in Seville, Spain. The pair are talented at cheating at a card game known as ventiuna, Spanish for “twenty-one.” In the story, the characters state that the goal of the game is to get to a total of 21 without going over, and that the ace can either value 1 point or 11. Unlike modern blackjack, the game was played with a Spanish baraja deck, which didn’t include eights and nines.

Novelas Ejemplares was written between 1601 and 1602, which implies that ventiuna was played in Spain at least since the beginning of the seventeenth century, possibly earlier. Later, the game is found in references in France and other regions of Spain.

However, the popular game didn’t receive the name “blackjack” until it was brought over seas. When twenty-one was first brought to the United States, gambling houses dished out bonus payouts on certain hands to garner player interest. One of these bonuses was a 10:1 payout if a player’s hand contained the ace of spades and a black jack – either the jack of clubs or the jack of spades. This hand was called a “blackjack,” and the name stuck to the game long after the special bonus was discontinued. In the modern game, a blackjack refers to any hand consisting of an ace and a ten or a face card, no matter the suits or colors.

Folks have been trying to work out the intricacies of blackjack for a while, but the first mathematically backed attempt to develop the optimum strategy was developed in 1956 by Roger Baldwin, Wilbert Cantey, Herbert Maisel, and James McDermott. The four published The Optimum Strategy in Blackjack, a paper featured in the Journal of the American Statistical Association, which would become the basis for all future attempts to further beat the game of blackjack. Beat the Dealer is possibly the most famous book on blackjack strategy, and author Ed Thorp utilized Baldwin’s calculations performed by hand to validate his basic strategy.

These days, blackjack is the most widely played casino game in the world, and it’s no wonder why. While it hasn’t been around as long as other casino games like craps, blackjack is probably the best understood and most heavily examined of all the games you’ll find on the casino floor.

How To Win At Video Blackjack

Ready to dive into it, then? Head to the next chapters to get into the rules of blackjack, how gameplay works, and the strategy you need to utilize in order to make blackjack work for you and your bankroll!